
Manufacturing within iDempiere/ADempiere

I have integrated libero manufacturing with iDempiere & ADempiere. I have implemented manufacturing in multiple organisations. While implementing i found out there are some automation in the libero plugin in iDempiere which is not required. Some of them are like

  1. Creating manufacturing order for all the standard order sales orders.
  2. Exploding BOM when components which are manufactured not in stock.
  3. Including the exploded components in the same manufacturing order.
  4. Creating purchase orders for the components which are purchased.

I have forked original version and created my own version. I have kept all above behaviour as it is but gave an implementor option to enable them using system configurator.

iDempiere has two manufacturing options.

  1. Production (Single Product)
  2. Libero Manufacturing –  Which is full fledged manufacturing.
    1. BOM (Bill Of Material)
    2. MRP (Material Resource Planning)
    3. Manufacturing workflows,Activities
    4. Cost Collectors

For any queries you can contact me.