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Installing iDempiere within eclipse (Development setup)

This post will help you to install iDempiere development environment.

I have tested this installation for

  1. iDempiere 3.1 using this with java 7 update 80 and Eclipse version  Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)
  2. iDempiere 4.1 using java 8 update 112 and Eclipse Version: Neon.2 Release (4.6.2) on my MacBook.

Following are the instruction needs to be followed step by step. If java and Postgres is already installed then skip first two steps.

Install JDK


Install PostgreSQL


For managing versions and source code control we need to install Mercurial . It is an open source application. Find the more info & simple useful tutorial. To download the mercurial use following link. It provides a graphical installer.

Clone iDempiere

Download iDempiere source tree

hg clone idempiere


Download eclipse (I am using luna) . There are new versions of eclipse available to download. I have not tested with them.

  • Eclipse workspace setup - Select the iDempiere cloned directory as the workspace.

  • Install the eclipse buckminster
    • You need the Buckminster Plugin to assemble the iDempiere project. For this go to  (Menu in Eclipse: Help > Install New Software > Add)
      • Add name as buckminster
      • location –
    • Now it will load all the available packages for the installation select only
      • Buckminster – Core
      • Buckminster – Maven support
      • Buckminster – PDE support
  • Install mercurial plugin


This is one part of development setup where we finished .

Now to get the iDempiere project into the eclipse.

  • Create a targetPlatform – Go to Eclipse –> Preferences –>Plug in Development—>targetPlatform
    • Click on add
    • Nothing: Start with an empty target definition press next
    • give target name I prefer giving iDempiere
    • add —> Directory —> Location —> click on variable select workspace_loc
    • then type targetPlatfrom so the location will look like ${workspace_loc}/targetPlatform .
    • set this as default
  • Click on File  —-> Import —-> Buckminster —-> Materialize from Buckminster MSPEC, CQUERY or BOM
  • Click on next and select mpsec from clone idempiere directory “org.adempiere.sdk-feature” folder
  • make sure that you have active internet connection through out this process.
  • now the magic will happen based on the machine

Click on Run Configurations

  • Select eclipse application
  • click on run and install the application on console instructions are given here. This will create configuration file for server.
  • then run server.product.

I hope this tutorial will help you to install iDempiere development environment.